how we work

embodying what we value

We operate from a wholehearted belief that the internal culture of our organization determines the quality and efficacy of the work we are doing.

As our organization grows, we are most interested in embodying right relationship with one another, creating non-hierarchical and decentralized leadership structures, and exploring models including gift economy as a vehicle for our work.

We are inspired by author and organizer adrienne maree brown, who challenges us to engage liberated professional relationships so that our work is relevant as a living resistance to the social systems we are seeking to transform (brown, 2017).

Through fostering nurturance within our organization, a culture of care and collaboration can spiral outward into our communities, repeating liberating fractal patterns that mimic seashells, sunflowers, and galaxies.

In her book, Emergent Strategy, adrienne maree brown states:

“… it’s like... ways for humans to practice being in right relationship to our home and each other, to practice complexity, and grow a compelling future together through relatively simple interactions. Emergent Strategy is how we intentionally change in the ways that grow our capacity to embody the just and liberated worlds we long for… and maybe, if I’m honest, it’s a philosophy for how to be in harmony and love, in and with the world" (brown, 2017).